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PE Days after Christmas Holidays January 2022

10th December 2021

PE Days after Christmas Holidays

Dear Parent/Carer,


Please see information regarding PE days and kit policy for after Christmas Holidays.


Children are to come to school wearing their PE kit on their PE days. Our School Council have asked for a change in PE kit. I have worked with them and together we have agreed the following colours (the coloured t-shirts chosen by the children will stay with them until they leave our school).

Years 1 and 2:  Green unbranded t-shirt

Years 3 and 4:  Red unbranded t-shirt

Years 5 and 6:  Blue unbranded t-shirt


These T-shirts should be PLAIN and not have patterns on. The rest of the PE kit is as normal, navy or black unbranded jogging bottoms, a sweatshirt and pumps/trainers. We have noticed that many children have started wearing patterned and branded PE kits. We are politely requesting that this kit is followed and therefore please consider this when purchasing uniform.


For health and safety reasons please ensure the following:

Earrings must not be worn. If your child is unable to remove their earrings they should be removed before coming to school. In the event of a new piercing, the holes may be taped over but this must be done at home and there should be sufficient tape. Bracelets or bangles etc. worn for religious reasons must be covered over with a sweatband. If your child has long hair (i.e. touching the shoulder) it must be tied back on PE days. Your child will only be excused from PE for medical reasons if they bring in a note from yourself. As a general rule, if they are well enough to be in school they will be expected to take part.


PE Days

Year 1:  Thursday and Friday – Gymnastics and Dance.
Year 2:  Tuesday and Thursday - Gymnastics and Dance.
Year 3:  Tuesday and Wednesday– Gymnastics and Dance.
Year 4:  Monday and Tuesday - Gymnastics and Dance.
Year 5:  Wednesday- Swimming and Thursday - Dance
Year 6:  Wednesday and Friday – Gymnastics and Dance

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo.


Yours faithfully,

Mr O Holiday                  

PE Teacher   
