Rounds Green School Council
Rounds Green School Council is all about working together, learning about democracy and improving our community. The Council aims to support everyone, to recognise the strengths of our school, find ways to improve it and then, most excitingly, to make things happen!
To become a class representative, all interested children were asked to make a speech in front of their class - who then elected their chosen candidate at the beginning of year. There are two members from each year group from Year 2 to 6.
Our meetings are held weekly with Mrs Williams. School Councillors lead class council discussions in their own classrooms and lead class activities linked to their objectives. They also bring issues that have been raised in class council to full School Council meetings. Representatives take their role very seriously and always try their best in all that they do. School Council members are aware that they are role models for other children in the school and use their position to support and develop their peers.
The school council notice board is situated in the large hall - where pictures of its members can also be seen so that all children know who they are. On the board there is also an ideas folder where all children can post any ideas they would like to be raised at a school council meeting. All meetings begin by reading ideas from the folder. The display also includes information about Children’s Rights.
Our initiatives have included:
- Raising the children’s awareness of Children’s Rights, focussing on the rights to a voice, play, health care and cultural acceptance-linking to British Values.
- Ensuring the ‘Buddy Benchs’ in the playground are being used
- Focus on raising children’s awareness of local charities through fundraising
- Raise awareness of Bullying and E-Safety.