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Sports Day 14.6.24.

Sports’ Day – Friday 14th June 2024


Dear Parent/Carer,


Sports’ Day will be held on Friday 14th June 2024. The Timings for each year group are as follows:


Morning Nursery:  9.15-9.45.

Year 1 and 2:  10-11,

Year 3 and 4:  11.15-12.15.

Reception and Nursery PM:  1-1.30.

Year 5 and 6:  1.45-2.45.

We are hoping that the weather will be kind to us and allow Sports’ Day to be held on the school field. If the weather is sunny please ensure children have a water bottle, cap and sunscreen that they can apply themselves.  Parents are welcome to come and support children in the races. If you wish to come and watch, please enter by the Florence Road field entrance and a member of staff will sign you in.  Please note the gate will be locked 5 minutes after Sports Day slots have started and will only re-open after the children have left the field. 


Children are to come to school wearing their PE kit on the day. 


For health and safety reasons please ensure the following:
Earrings must not be worn. If your child is unable to remove their earrings they should be removed before coming to school. In the event of a new piercing, the holes may be taped over but this must be done at home and there should be sufficient tape. Bracelets or bangles etc. worn for religious reasons must be covered over with a sweatband.  If your child has long hair (i.e. touching the shoulder) it must be tied back on the day.


We will be sharing our success from Sports Day via ‘Class Dojo’ and the school website, whilst celebrating further via ‘Celebration Assemblies’ on the Friday.


If bad weather postpones Sports Day we will send a text message confirming the postponement as soon as possible.  Fingers crossed that the rain stays away. If it does, then I look forward to seeing you on Friday 28th June 2024. 

Yours faithfully,

Mrs H Heap                                   Mr O Holiday
Principle                                       PE Teacher
