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Rounds Green Primary School

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Our writing curriculum at Rounds Green Primary School aims to develop students into confident, capable, and independent writers who can effectively communicate and express themselves across various genres and for diverse audiences1. The curriculum emphasises the significance of writing in broader society and equips students with the necessary skills to excel in their future endeavours.


One of our key goals is to foster a love for writing by exposing students to high-quality literature, enabling them to “write as a reader and read as a writer”. The curriculum aims to nurture creativity, originality, and critical thinking in students' writing. We utilise the "Talk for Writing" (TfW) approach, which emphasises oracy and reading as integral parts of the writing process. Through TfW, teachers guide students through various strategies, including modelling, selecting language for effect, demonstrating, evaluating, memorising, instructing, recalling, revising, and innovating. Ultimately, the curriculum strives to cultivate students' authorial agency and their ability to engage in meaningful discussions about their work and the work of others

